Is there an aspect of the Tipi Raiser's work that you are particularly passionate about? You can help to support that specific program and - with your partnership - we can sustain and grow that program to greater levels of impact!
Becoming a Program Partner for any of the below partnership opportunities is easy! Just reach out to Lori to set up a short phone call. On that call, we will discuss which program you are interested assisting with and in what ways that opportunity could benefit from your partnership. Partner opportunities range from underwriting (or sponsoring) an entire program to helping us to spread the word, finding volunteers, supporting an aspect of the program monetarily, coordinating logistics, and more. The possibilities are endless, so contact us today and let's partner up!
Menu of Program Partner Opportunities:
Gen7 Youth: Partner Opportunities
Introduce us to an organization, school or youth group who might want to learn about Gen7
Support our Gen7 efforts to revitalize the Bison population on reservations in partnership with CSU
Purchase a van to help with our Gen7 transport needs
Underwrite the costs associated with a Gen7 Youth gathering
Host - or provide meals and/or lodging - for one of our Gen7 gatherings
Food and Donations: Partner Opportunities
Hold a food or donations drive within your community - ask Lori for more information or a barrel for collection
Underwrite the costs associated with one of our food drives
Cover the costs associated with food provided for funerals on the reservations
Network with retailers or wholesalers to help lower costs
Join the Nagi Circle for ongoing updates to help us field requests from the reservations
Horse Society: Partner Opportunities
Provide a meal or meals during our various horse rides
Volunteer to feed, brush and care for the horses
Volunteer to mend fences and muck stalls
Underwrite the costs associated with our farrier training program
Adopt a horse or horses for a month, several months or a year to help with their associated expenses
Network with retailers to get donated or discounted supplies, veterinarian care, etc.
Spread the word about our various rides in your network
Housing Repair: Partner Opportunities
Cover the costs associated with necessary home repairs for one family
Approach retailers or wholesalers for discounts or grants for building materials
Share your expertise in HVAC, electrical, plumbing, etc., with Tribal members
Firewood/Heating: Partner Opportunities
Organize a local firewood collection with a school, church or other organization
Underwrite the costs associated with our year-round efforts to provide firewood to Indigenous families
Approach local (South Dakota, Ariozona, Colorado) natural resources administrations for firewood donations
Help us collect wood stoves, furnaces, space heaters, window plastic and window air conditioners to have on hand when we hear of a family in need of one of these items
Bison Reintroduction: Partner Opportunities
In early 2023 we launched a collaboration between our Gen7 Youth initiative and Colorado State University's Biomedical Sciences Program. Together we seek to create and restore herds of the American Bison that descended from the original 82 animals left following the near-extermination of the species in the 19th and 20th centuries. You can help support our role in this collaboration by:
Covering the cost associated with hosting Gen7 youth at CSU to learn about catching, tagging and blood testing the bison
Helping with round up and transport of the bison to Lakota-led herds on the Pine Ridge Reservation
Assisting with our regular deliveries of the meat, hides and other parts of the bison (used for ceremonial purposes)
Underwriting the costs associated with operating this program annually
Tokala Society: Partner Opportunities
In many Indigenous cultures there are "societies" established for tribal members who are known to sacrifice for the good of others, putting their people before themselves. In the Lakota culture, this is known as a "Tokala Society". Using a mission-aligned approach, the Tipi Raiser's Tokala Society involves providing a stable wage to Tribal members in exchange for their service and responsiveness to needs that arise among the most vulnerable in their communities.
Sponsoring a Tokala helps them to bring in a stable income and covers the costs associated with what they need to do their job. This may include a cell phone and service, vehicle and car maintenance, chainsaws, splitters, packing materials, etc.
Tokalas also join our volunteer service trips; sharing their culture , building relationships and participating in reconciliation dialogues.
Sponsoring a Tokala helps Tribal members help themselves AND their community; creating a ripple effect toward alleviating conditions of poverty